Bette Nesmith Graham (બેટી નેસ્મિથ ગ્રેહામ )


ctuxe lturmbt:t dt{untbt




slbt & 23 bttato 1924

;tuKtu rjtrfJtz vtuvthlte Nttu$ fhe.

        swltt sbttlttbttk xtEvthtExh fu Jtzo vt{tumtumtmto Jttvth;tt xtErvtmxtulte :t;te Ctwjttulttu Ejtts Nttu$e ytvtJtt ct’jt ;tubtKtu ctuxe lturmbt:t dt{untbtlttu ytCtth bttltJttu SuEyu. ctuxeyu Ftqct mthG A;ttk yturVmt mttbtdt{elttu Er;tntmtbttk y;gtk;t btn@JtvtwKto Nttu$ fhe yu rjtrfJtz vtuvthlte n;te.

        ctuxe fjtuh btufbtuhe lttbtu yu xufmttmtltt zjttmt Ftt;tu slbte n;te. btt"gtrbtf NttGtbttk n;te ;gtthu CtKt;th Aqxe dtgtwk yltu Jttuhlt lturmbt:t mtt:tu 19 JtMtolte Jtgtu yulttk jtdlt :tgttk. yturVmt mtu_uxhelte lttufhe fh;ttk fh;ttk yuKtu htr*tNttGtbttk CtKteltu BEzelte vt’Jte btuGJte. nfef;tbttk ;ttu yuKtu fgtthugt mtu_uxheltwk ftbt fhJtwk ltntu;twk. yulttu hmt ;ttu fGtytubttk n;ttu yltu ltJthtNtlte vtGtubttk rat*tfGtbttk yu Jgtm;t hnu;te n;te. Su fu yu vttu;ttltt JgtJtmttgtbttk rltMKttk;t ctlte yltu 1951 mtw$ebttk ;ttu yu xufmttmt ctukf yulz x[mxltt atuhbtultlte yurfLfgtwrxJt mtu_uxhe ;thefu ftbt fh;te n;te.

        yu mtbtgtdttGtbttk Ejtufrx[f xtEvthtExh Jt$w jttufrvt{gt :tE hÏtk n;ttk, lturmbt:t yltu cteB mtu_uxheytu yu NteFt;ttk Ctqjttultu btwNfujte yltwCtJte hne n;te. ftkEf ykNtu gtk*tbttk ftctplt rVjbt rhctlt JtvthtNtltu fthKtu s  yt ftbt btwNfujt ctlt;twk n;twk . lturmbt:tltu yuf mthG Wfujt mtwLgttu. yuKtu ;tulttu ftbtbttk ybtjt vtKt fgttuo, ;tuKtu hmttuEDthltt rbt`Ktbttk ;tulte mxuNtltheltt hkdtltu yltw~vt Jttuxhfjth CtuGJteltu YtJtKt ;tigtth fgtwok. yu Jttuxhfjth ct{Nt mtt:tu yt YtJtKtltu jtEltu yturVmtbttk dtE Ègtthu Ctqjt :ttgt ;gtthu ;tultu ltffe fheltu ;tultt vth vtuElx fhe 'u;te n;te. yt Vtubgtwojttyu S’wE ymth fhe.

        yuKtu 1956bttk vttu;ttltt Dthbttk s rbtmxuf ytWx fkvtlte Nt~ fhe. ;tultt hmttuztbttk s yt vt{Jttne ;tigtth fht;twk yltu ;tulttu vtw*t ;tubt s ;tultt rbt*ttu dt{tnftu bttxulte cttuxjttu Cth;ttk. yulttu $k$tu Ftqct Jt"gttu yu s dttGtbttk ;tultt cttumtu ;tultu ctukflte lttufhebttk:te ;tdtuze btqfe. ytvt't ;tubtltt bttxu ytNteoJtt’~vt mttrct;t :tE. nJtu yuKtu mtDtGwk "gttlt $k$tbttk vthtuJgtwk . yuKtu vtuxlx btuGJte yltu ;tultwk lttbt ct’jteltu %rjtrfJtz vtuvth^ htFgtwk. 1968bttk lturmbt:tu 20 fbtoattheytu mtt:tu ltJttu vjttlx lttkFgttu. yu JtMtuo ;tuKtu 10 jttFt cttuxjttu Jtuate n;te.




Bette Nesmith Graham



Born : 23 March 1924

She invented the Liquid Paper

               Typists prone to making mistakes when using old-fashioned typewriters or word processors have Bette Nesmith Graham to thank for creating one of the most simple, yet lifesaving inventions in all of office-supply history: Liquid Paper
              Born Bette Clair Mcmurry in Dallas, Texas, this highschool dropout married Waren Nesmith at the  age of 19 and worked as a secretary while earning her GED in night school. Nesmith had not actually wanted to be a secretary, She was much more interested in art, and in her free time she dabbied in painting and drawing. However, She become adept at her proffession and by 1951 was working as an executive secretary for the chairman of the board of Taxas Bank & Trust.
              At that time  electric type writers were becoming more and more popular and in learning to use them, Nesmith and other secretaries often made mistakes they found difficult to earase, in part because of the messy carbon-film-ribbons used in the devices. Nesmith came up with a very simple formula that she began making in batches just for her self to use at work. Using her kitchen blender she mixed up some tempera eater based paintinting. it so match her company stationery. She took it to the office with a watercolour brush and whenever she made a mistake on paper, she and fixed the error. The formula worked like magic.
              She started the mistake out company in 1956 in her home. mixing the fluid in her kitchen and employing her son and his friends to fill bottles for costomers. When she became too engrossed in her own business, her own business her boss at the bank fired her. It was a blessing in disguise: Now she could devote all her time to the mistake out bussiness. Nesmith patenned the product, renamed it "Liquid Paper" in 1968 Nesmith Graham opened a new plant with 20 employees that year she sold one million bottles