William Marston (વિલિયમ માર્સટન )

rJtrjtgtbt bttmtoxlt

 slbt & 9 btu 1893

;tuKtu jttE rzxufxh xumxlte Nttu$ fhe.

           bttmtoxlt btltturJt|ttlte, lttheJtt’e, rmt}tk;tNttm*te yltu vttu;ttlt vt;lte yurjtLtctu:t ntujttuJtu bttmtoxlt mtt:tu btGeltu %Jtlzh Jtwbtlt^ltwk vtt*t mtsoltth fturbtfctwf jtuFtf n;ttu. ;tuKtu vt{:tbt jttE rzxufxhlte xumx (vtturjtdt{tV xumx)lte Nttu$ fhe n;te.

           btumtuagtwmtuxTmtltt rfjtVzltzujtbttk slbtujtt rJtrjtgtbt bttmtoxltu ntJtozo gtwrltJtrmtoxebttk:te 1915bttk cte.yu.lte vt’Jt btuGJte. 1918bttk yujtyujtcte yltu 1921bttk bttltmtNttm*tbttk vte.yuat.zelte vt’Jte vtKt yuKtu ntJtozobttk:te s btuGJte n;te. JtturNtkdxlt zemte Ftt;tulte ybturhflt gtwrltJtrmtoxe yltu btuzVzo Ftt;tulte ;twVxTmt gtwrltJtrmtoxebttk CtKttJgtt vtAe bttmtoxlt 1929bttk furjtVturltogttltt gtwrltJtmtojt mxwrzgttulte btwjttft;tu dtgtt yltu ;gttk ;tubtKtu vtrcjtf mtrJtomtemtltt rzhufxh ;thefu yuft' JtMto dttÉgtwk. ynek hneltu s yt$wrltf vtturjtdt{tVlttu Cttdt dtKtt;tt rmtmxturjtf cjtzvt{uNth xumx :tfe Jgtrf;t mttatwk cttujtu Au fu sw¸tKtwk ytufu Au ;tultt vtheHtKtltwk Htu*t rJtfmttJgtwk.
          yt ftbtltu yt$thu bttmtoxltltu Ftt;the :tE n;te fu btrnjttytu vtwhwMttu fh;ttk Jt$w vt{tbttrKtf yltu rJtPJtltegt ntugt Au ;tubt s Jt$w Lzvte ;t:tt Jt$w cttheftE:te  yu  ftbt fhJtt mtHtbt ntugt Au. yultt ytFtt ytgtFtt 'hrbtgttlt bttmtoxltu btrnjttytultt vt{Plttu bttxu atGJtG atjttJte. yuKtu DtKtt jttufrvt{gt bttltmtNttm*te jtuFttu vtKt jtFgtt.

          25 ytufxtbcth, 1940ltt htus ;tulte mtnftgtofh yltu Ctq;tvtwJto rJt$t:teolte ytuorjtJt cttgthltu (sultwk ;tFtjjtwmt n;twk %yturjtJt rhatzo^ ) jte$ujtt ElxhJgtwk, su %Vubtejte mtfojt^ bttk vt{ftrNt;t :tgttu n;ttu, ;tultwk NteMtof n;twk & %fturbtfmt mttbtu hFtu nmt;tt^ , ;tubttk btmtoxltu fÏwk n;twk fu, fturbtfmt ctwfmtbttk btltu Ftwct s NtiHtrKtf Htbt;tt sKtt;te hne Au.

           yt he;tu vt{uhtEltu ;tuKtu vttu;ttlte vt;lte yurjtLtctu:t mtt:tu btGeltu %Jtlzh Jtwbtlt^ lttbtltwk fuhufxh mtsogtwk n;twk. yubttk ;tulte vt;lteyu ytkrNtf he;tu bttuzjtltwk ftbt fgtwwok n;twk. 2 btu,1947ltt htus lgtwgttuofltt htEbttk bttmtoxltltwk fulmth:te bt];gtw :tgtwk n;twk. yltt rlt$lt vtAe yurjtLtctu:t yltu yturjtJtu 1980ltt 'tgtft mtw$e mtt:tu hnuJttltwk vtmtk' fgtwok n;twk. yurjtLtctu:tltwk 100 JtMtolte Jtgtu 1993bttk bt];gtw :tgtwk n;twk.

William Marston

Born : 9 May 1893

He invented the lie detector Test


                 Marston was a psychologist, feminist theorist and comic book writer who created the "Wonder Woman" character with his wife Elizabeth Holloway Marston. He was inducted into the comic Book hall of Fame in 2006. Marston invented first lie detector.

                    Born in cliftondale Massachisetts, William Marston received his B.A. from Harvard University in 1915, his L.L.B. from harvard in 1918, and Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard in 1921. After teaching at American University in Washington D.C. and Tufts University in Medford MA, Marston traveled to Universal studious in California in 1929, Where he spent a year as Director of Public Services. Marston is credited as the creator of the systolic blood pressure test used to detect deception. Which become one component of the modern polygraph.

                 From this work, Marston had been convinced that women were more honest and reliable than men, and could work faster and more accurately. During his lifetime, Marston championed the causes of women of the day. Marston was also a writer of essays in popular psychology.

                   In an october 25, 1940, interview conducted by his partner and Former student Olive Byene (who used the pseudonym 'Olive Riched') and published in family circle, titled "Don't Laugh at the Comics", Marston described what he saw as the great educational potential of comic books.

                    Thus inspired, Marston developed the character of wonder women with his wife Elizabeth, who served as the partial model. William Moulton Marston died of cancer on May2, 1947 in Rye, New york. After his death Elizabeth and Olive continued to live together until Olive's death in the late 1980s; Wlizabeth died in 1993, aged 100.